I can’t believe that a year has passed since my district began rolling out devices for our 1:1 student computing initiative. One year down the road with around 17,000 student devices, and we’re now planning the third phase which will complete our 1:1 initiative for grades 3-12.
A recent topic of conversation on a webinar with other 1:1 districts was “what keeps you awake at night?” I’m happy to say that I’m sleeping again, and it’s because of all the great teamwork that’s gone into our implementation. In my October post I talked about scaling up and next steps. I’m happy to report that our technology leadership series has given administrators the tools that they need to begin taking 1:1 computing to the next level at their schools.
It’s exciting to go into schools and see students engaged in learning that is designed to incorporate technology tools and best instructional practices. Focusing on the Project RED key implementation factors has taken the spotlight off of devices and placed the spotlight on technology integration.
If you’re a teacher in a 1:1 classroom or an administrator in a school with 1:1 computing, visit the Project RED website and read Revolutionizing Education Through Technology. I think you’ll find that you sleep better at night.