Now that my summer break has started, I'm finally able to find a little time for my e-reader experiment. I received my iPad about a week ago, and I've loaded it with lots of e-reader apps. I want to try them all out and evaluate them based on the quality of books available, ease of use, notetaking and bookmarking capability, and customizable features such as font size and screen colors. Some of the apps I've started using include iBooks, Barnes and Noble, and Kindle. Other apps I've downloaded include Stanza, Free Books, and CourseSmart. The book club I participate in has provided me with a great list of books for my summer reading.
I also want to explore the differences between using an e-reader device like a Kindle vs. using a netbook, iPod, phone, or iPad. I've been using a Kindle for about nine months now and I like the fact that it has a single purpose. My biggest problem with the iPad is that I get distracted by all of the apps, tweets, and e-mail. It's just too easy to bookmark my page and move on to something else.
So, what's the point of my summer project? I believe that schools will soon (if they're not already) be looking at ways to provide each student with a netbook or tablet for home and school use. We will need electronic books and textbooks, productivity software, and wireless access so that students can have anytime, anywhere learning. I want to be ready!
More to come as the experiment continues.